How To Cure The 4 Most Common Pregnancy Discomforts With FOOD!

Women's bodies undergo changes during pregnancy. Most of the time, pregnancy brings about physical discomforts that can cause hormonal shifts in women. Believe it or not, these physical discomforts can be cured simply by food.

Willow Jarosh, a registered dietician and author of the book "Healthy, Happy Pregnancy Cookbook" talked about four common pregnancy symptoms and how to alleviate them by eating specific food types. Nausea, for instance, can be countered by limiting intake of foods laden with carbohydrates (dairy, starchy vegetables, sugary sweets) and instead eat foods rich in protein (eggs, chicken, turkey, fish).

Jarosh said that women usually crave carbs during that pregnancy period when nausea is most rampant. However, Jarosh warned that "carbs really move through your system quickly" and they "raise your blood sugar and then they lower it, and you crave something else," Fox News reported.

Protein, on the other hand, can make pregnant women feel fuller for a longer period. Feeling full can keep nausea at bay.

Heartburn is another discomfort experienced by pregnant women. Jarosh advised women to stay away from foods that cause heartburn such as garlic, onion, black pepper, tomatoes and citrus fruits (e.g. oranges, grapes, lemons, and limes). Heartburn is also triggered by caffeine, which is found in coffee, soft drinks, energy drinks, snack foods and ice cream, Healthguides listed.

Staying hydrated is extremely important in pregnancy. Dehydration during pregnancy can lead to serious complications such as neural tube defects, low amniotic fluid, insufficient breast milk production and premature labor, the American Pregnancy Association listed.

To improve water retention, Jarosh advised pregnant women to eat foods filled with potassium such as chia seeds. Chia seeds are hydrophilic, a characteristic that makes the food item helpful in retaining water.

Chia seeds retain water almost 10 times their size and gradually release it to the digestive system, which helps the body stay hydrated longer. Jarosh advised women to soak chia seeds in water for 20 minutes and add it to soups or in a creamy pudding.

Constipation is another discomfort experienced by pregnant women. In this situation, foods with hydrating and fibrous qualities such as chickpeas and pumpkin can really help. Some foods that are high in fiber are whole-grain cereals and bread, brown rice, beans and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Constipation can also be eased by regular exercise, according to BabyCentre. Pregnant women with constipation are advised to walk, swim, do yoga or ride a stationary bike. They should also make time to relieve themselves after they eat because the bowels are more active after mealtimes.

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