Facebook Tips And Tricks 2016: 5 Things You Can Do On FB That You Might NOT Know Yet! [LEARN HERE]

Facebook is one of the most popular social media outlet today. Aside from Instagram and Twitter, most are also on FB. However, despite the popularity of Facebook, many are still not aware that Mark Zuckerberg and his team are continuously working on improving the site's functionalities.

Here are five Facebook tips and tricks to make your Facebooking more fun and efficient. When you learn this FB hacks, you will surely enjoy this social media website even more.

Inform others the proper pronunciation of your name. There are names that are so uncommon that it's difficult to pronounce it properly. For individuals with such names, Facebook allows you to inform your FB friends the right way to pronounce your name. Just visit the "Details About You" page and select "About."

Turn off auto-playing videos. By default when you scan your Facebook account, it automatically plays the video you passed by. If you don't want this, turn this feature off by going to FB's "Account Settings" and selecting "Videos and Photos."

Distinguish an FB "friend" and "follower." If one notices, Facebook allows users to connect with someone by sending a friend request or by following him/her. Friends are those when both persons approved of the connection. Following an account means that the other person has not yet added you back.

For those who do not wish anyone to follow them, users can turn off this feature at any time. Just go to the "Followers" section in the account settings and modify it.

Save great articles. Sometimes when you scroll down on your Facebook account, you find nice articles that you want to read but don't have the time to read it right away. For this, you can use FB's "Save link" feature to save the page so you can read it later. You can find this in the "More" tab of the FB mobile app.

FB is taking steps to keep your account safe. FB's "Security Settings" can alert you every time someone attempts to log in your Facebook account. You can get the notification via an FB notification, email or text. The Facebook account also includes Login Approval where a secondary code will be sent before logging into a new device.

You can find more FB tips and tricks from Alex Heath at Business Insider. Also for those concerned about the fake news on Facebook, don't worry because Mark Zuckerberg and his team are now finding ways to combat this issue per BBC.

How do you find this Facebook tips and tricks? Are you aware of these FB functionalities already? If you know more Facebook hacks, share it in the comment section below.

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