A new study says that women who have suffered from depression in the past are less likely to overcome breast cancer than those who don't have any history with mental illness. This research has been going viral since Nov. 18.
In an article published by Business Insider, scientists in Denmark recently found that women who have a history of being depressed would find it hard to survive breast cancer. For this research, they were able to study over 45,000 women who have the early signs of breast tumors that are malignant.
Results came out stating that 13 percent of breast cancer patients who used some antidepressants for treatment didn't make it. They succumb to the disease within five years since they were diagnosed. Meanwhile, the 11 percent of women who has not taken any medication for depression have lived longer and even survived.
A photo posted by Pink S.H.O.E.S., Inc™ (@pinkshoesinc) on Nov 20, 2016 at 12:50pm PST
This study was also confirmed by Pulse Headlines, saying that depression could be the culprit to the development of breast cancer in women. But just to make it sure, researchers were not saying that depression is the basis nor is it a cause of breast cancer. They simply wanted to point out that there is a possibility that it is related to the deadly disease based on the data that they have gathered.
It also helped that their observations and all the details they have from the people who experienced depression were consistent in giving out results. Their data was based on documents since 1998 up to 2011 where 6,068 women were given antidepressants and 2 percent of that number were rushed to the hospital due to severe depression.
Apparently, those women were also more likely to have cancer just because of the depression case that they were in. So, share this information to your loved ones, especially those who are suffering from breast cancer. Hopefully, the cure is out there to end this nightmare that is killing a lot of women on a yearly basis.