Murdered Woman's Baby Found Safe In Dallas

A strange incident took place in Dallas on Saturday morning. To the shock of the neighbors Sofia Gonzales, an eight day old baby was found alive by the rescue team in Dallas. It turns out that the baby was abducted and her mother was brutally murdered.

The incident was reported by WFAA News which said that the twenty-seven-year-old mother of the child was brutally murdered in her own house and the baby girl was missing since then. People in the neighborhood were shocked to hear the news and at the same time were happy to have found the newly born baby alive. The whole scenario of the incident was reflecting some scene of a movie.

After the dead body of the mother was recovered, the baby was nowhere to be found. Police had been investigating the case since then and rescue teams were on their mission to recover the child either dead or alive. Since the baby was missing, the police had been suspecting the presence of the child at the crime location.

They were sure of recovering the child and the warrant to investigate the case was issued immediately. It was Saturday morning when the house of the murdered woman was encircled by the wpolice force and the rescue teams were successful in discovering that little baby girl from the house, according to CBS Local. They breathed a sigh of relief. The baby was found safe but the authorities shifted her to a child care center to provide her some aid.

A young couple lived in the house but the baby was never seen before at the house, according to the statement the neighbors gave to the investigation authorities. At the moment two suspected men are facing the charges and being investigated by the police. The neighbors feel sorry for the family.Such incidents are agonizing and grievous.

Tags Baby, Mother

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