Is Your Toddler Missing Out On Sleep? Here's What You Need To Do

Becoming parents demands a lot of patience and perseverance. The baby to toddler transition comes with a lot of challenges for parents. Many routine changes and development of new things is an important phase of this transition. Toddlers making a fuss while sleeping or not sleeping for a no reason at all is a matter of concern for parents.

Parents try many things to make their child go to sleep. The biological sleep cycle of children is different from that of adults. So making your toddler go to bed and then making them go to sleep becomes quite a challenging task for parents.

However, The Huffington Post suggests that some daily routine changes can help parents to tackle this issue. When the baby is growing up into the toddler, parents should observe their mood changes and any other significant change in their lifestyle ,they should design the routine of the child according to that.

Parents should make their children go to bed on time,this will help them to sleep on time.
Afternoon naps should be avoided. This is going to make the toddlers tobe weary and tired by end of day and will themselves go to sleep.

Further suggested by The Baby Centre, screen time should be limited and the growing toddler should be made to involve in some healthier activities.It will help them to stay healthy and their sleep-wake cycle will ultimately make them sleep on time and have a sound sleep.

Waking the toddler up at the middle of night because of the night terror is not the best decision to make.
As soon as the baby starts growing into a toddler,he should be shifted from cot to bed,it will also help him to adapt to his emerging lifestyle changes.

With growing age comes increasing nutritional need, so a good breakfast,lunch and dinner is also very important. With a little effort and some attitude changes the toddler will easily cope up with his new lifestyle changes and will learn to have some sound sleep.

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