This week's "The Flash" Season 3 Episode 7 was meant to be the question which serves as the hinge for the season. How will Barry Allen admit to the changes he brought about due to Flashpoint? Any logical thinking person would say that the decisions you make lead to consequences. The decisions somebody makes 10 years ago or more are beyond your responsibility. However, the other characters of the show keep blaming The Flash as being responsible for their current predicament.
In the same way, TVLine reports on the recent "The Flash" Season 3 Episode 7 that Caitlin Snow is unravelling and leaning towards being a hero. She has decided to fight any tendencies to be a villain. Told that if she continues to use her powers she would become the bad Killer Frost, she has come to fight the urge to be bad.
Cisco, on the other hand, is still undecided on what course of action he would take with Barry. He still blames The Flash for the death of his brother, which does not make any sense. But on the latest "The Flash" Season 3 Episode 7, he does help Barry get away from Savitar and also helps to defeat Killer Frost. Time will tell if Cisco's Vibes will go bad.
See how the team saves Wally West in the latest episode of #TheFlash, available free on The #CWApp:
— The Flash (@CW_TheFlash) November 23, 2016
Detective Joe West tries to free Wally from his enclosing cocoon and is surprised when it opens and Wally escapes. Wally knows what he wants, but he still does not know how to control it. In "The Flash" Season 3 Episode 7, Wally wakes up and, in trying to get his bearings, runs off to his mother's old house. Joe tries to talk to him, while The Flash stabilizes him with a shot made by Dr. Caitlin Snow. He is now on the path to recovery and understanding what being a speedster entails.
Finally, Comicbook reports that Julian is shown to be Dr. Alchemy, in "The Flash" Season 3 Episode 7. It was not a really a surprise but the timing was different from the other seasons. Now all the set pieces are in place, and the show can go on to Act II. On the other hand, fans are eagerly awaiting the super crossover next week on "The Flash" Season 3 Episode 7. It's Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, and DC's Legends of Tomorrow for one excitement filled week!