After a month of release, "Titanfall" 2 has come to bring a free multiplayer game for one week. Electronic Arts will start the free trial along with the release of the first "Titanfall" 2 DLC.
Electronic Arts will offer "Titanfall" 2 free trial this weekend on its multiplayer mode as per Euro Gamer. The free trial is accessible via the EA Access or via Origin Access.
The "Titanfall" 2 free trial will start on November 30 until December 2. Though the end date has been announced, the exact end time hasn't been confirmed.
Welcome back to Angel City.
Experience the remastered version of the fan favorite map from the original Titanfall, free. #Titanfall2— Titanfall (@Titanfallgame) November 29, 2016
The Angel City's Most Wanted is the first "Titanfall" 2 DLC, featuring the famous Angel City Map from the previous title. The Angel City has been remastered and will be available right away to those pre-order copy owners, while the rest of the players will have it starting on December 3rd, the Coming Soon confirmed.
Aside from the Angel City Map, which was taken from the first "Titanfall," the DLC offers a Titan Toolkit. A new screen user-interface was also provided along with a new FAQ Menu and an in-game store.
EA confirms that every map and game modes will be free of access with no extra charges. No special power-ups or anything that may ruin the game that can be bought via the online store, instead, cosmetics and customization are the things to offer via the "Titanfall" 2 online store.
"Titanfall" 2 gained high score of 9 out of 10 since its release and is getting hotter and hotter. The Sci-Fi shooting game has been out in the market for a month now, playable on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC.