University of Alabama Sorrority Slammed For Racist Recruitment

The promotional video of a sorority house in the University of Alabama is currently under fire. Slammed for portraying life in an unrealistic manner, the group has been dragged into the muck by an opinion piece writer who described the entire promotional material as nothing more than the college version of Stepford Wives.

The article, titled "'Bama sorority video worse for women than Donald Trump," mocked the so-called college experience portrayed in the promotional video by the Alpha Phi House at the University of Alabama and questioned the authenticity of the shots shown in the clip. AL Bailey, the writer of the said piece, asked readers whether or not any part of the promotional video reminded them of their college days - that is, if their college experiences were composed of beautiful ladies running around the campus.

"Remember all those bikini-clad, sashaying, glitter-blowing, and spontaneous piggyback-riding days of college? Me either," wrote Bailey. She added, "But according to a new video, it's a whirlwind of glitter and girl-on-girl piggyback rides at the University of Alabama's Alpha Phi house."

She further wrote, "No, it's not a slick Playboy Playmate or Girls Gone Wild video. It's a sorority recruiting tool gaining on 500,000 views in its first week on YouTube. It's a parade of white girls and blonde hair dye, coordinated clothing, bikinis and daisy dukes, glitter and kisses, bouncing bodies, euphoric hand-holding and hugging, gratuitous booty shots, and matching aviator sunglasses."

Bailey went on to say that the promotional video of the Alpha Phi sorority promoted girls who appeared to be "so racially and aesthetically homogeneous and forced, so hyper-feminine, so reductive and objectifying, so Stepford Wives: College Edition. It's all so ... unempowering." The writer then went on to say that the Alpha Phi video only managed to attract "hormonal college-aged guys" and older, male YouTube users instead of managing to reach out to a "diverse and talented group of young women embarking on a college education."

The writer pointed out that the manner by which the young ladies opted to parade themselves in the Alpha Phi sorority promotional material only served to reflect the already poor perception of the public of women. The writer asked whether the girls featured in the clip stopped to ask themselves the true meaning of their sorority house, or if the Alpha Phi sisters only focused on producing the "hottest video in the popularity contest that is the sorority recruitment."

Meanwhile, other readers believe that the writer was merely overreacting to an act done merely to recruit new members of the Alpha Phi sorority house. Check out the video below and sound off in the comments section to share whether or not you agree with Bailey's point of view.

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