Eating Disorders 'Anorexia' And 'Bulimia' Causing Death Worldwide?

Eating disorders are prevalent among young teenagers, more particularly women who have felt the desire of gaining that perfect body just as what they see on the media and on society. Because of this pressure, there has been a growing number of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa among the demographic, and it seems to be affecting young men as well.

Eating disorders take control of the lives of those affected by it in which these people begin a lifestyle that involves a question of whether to eat or not. One bad habit of people afflicted with eating disorders is binge-eating where they usually vomit the food they intake, and gain weight as if it is a crime.

The National Eating Disorders Collaboration enumerates several symptoms of anorexia nervosa such as sudden weight loss, depression and anxiety, avoiding meals with other people, among others. Anorexia nervosa can be terribly dangerous to the body as it can cause several problems such as kidney failure, anemia, a compromised immune system and the worst of them all, death.

Bulimia nervosa is just as dangerous as anorexia nervosa as the National Eating Disorders Association puts it out. Bulimia is usually characterized by evidences of binge eating, discoloration of teeth and suspicions of purging behaviors such as trips to the bathroom as frequent as what is necessary. Furthermore, bulimia can also cause electrolyte imbalances, rupture of the esophagus due to continuous vomiting.

Apparently, there is no drug that can cure eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. However, psychological treatment is readily available for patients who wish to seek professional advice, especially as how they are clearly undergoing something that pushed them to perform such habits. At the end of the day, these eating disorders are very much dangerous to one's health and could result to death, from which we try to avoid.

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