Alec Baldwin VS. Donald Trump: President-Elect Calls 'SNL' Sketch Unwatchable; Actor Claims He Will Stop Impersonation If Mogul Releases Tax Records

President-elect Donald Trump has once again took to Twitter to say that Alec Baldwin's spot on impersonation of him on "Saturday Night Live." This time, Alec Baldwin responded to one of his tweets by saying that he will only stop mimicking the president-elect if the Republican will release his tax records.

Donald Trump's tweet about Alec Baldwin's impersonation on "SNL" says that the skit was unbearable and terrible. The tweet came around 15 minutes after "Saturday Night Live" ended. The whole tweet reads: "Just tried watching Saturday Night Live - unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can't get any worse. Sad." The 70-year-old has been the topic of sketches on "SNL" even before he won as the president in the November elections, People reported.

For the Saturday episode of "SNL," Alec Baldwin reprised his role for the cold open of the show. He and his adviser, Kellyanne Conway, played by Kate McKinnon, who actually played Hillary Clinton alongside Alec Baldwin playing Donald Trump, were talking about the war in Syria. The two were seemingly at the Trump Tower and in the sketch, the president-elect kept getting distracted by his phone.

At one point, Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump kept on retweeting random people's tweets from all over the United States. One was from a 16-year-old named Seth. Alec Baldwin told Kate McKinnon's character that he just retweeted the best tweet.

Kate McKinnon then said that the real reason why Donald Trump tweets so much is because he wants to distract the media from his business conflicts as well as all the officials he has been placing as his cabinet members. Alec Baldwin then interrupted her saying that Donald Trump tweets so much because his brain is bad, US Weekly reported.

The transparency for the tax returns of Donald Trump has been an issue in the past. He refused to release his tax returns noting that it is under the IRS audit. However, IRS said that he could release his tax records anytime.

As of this writing, Donald Trump has not yet commented on Alec Baldwin's request. How do you find Baldwin's comments and request? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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