‘Star Wars’ Updates: Live-Action Transition Impossible? New Teaser Highlights The Space Monkey; Creator George Lucas Liked Director Gareth Edwards’ ‘Rogue One’

In less than two weeks, fans of "Star Wars" were treated with a behind-the-scenes clip revealing how incredible the new creatures will be in the upcoming movie. Also, Lucasfilm recently held a press conference for "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" and discussed about the direction of "Star Wars" franchise in reference to Saw Gerrera's transition in the big screen live-action movie. Director Gareth Edwards also shared that creator George Lucas liked his work on the upcoming movie.

A behind-the-scenes clip has just been posted on the official Twitter account of "Star Wars." Fans can get an early peek on how incredible the new creatures that will be featured in the upcoming movie. Even the stars of the movie were amazed at how these new creatures were created to blink and do some real-life gestures. The space monkey is one incredible creature to look forward to in the upcoming "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story."

In the recently concluded live Q&A, "Star Wars" movie producer Kathleen Kennedy clarified the speculations that other characters from the animated franchise might probably transition to future live-action "Star Wars" movies too. According to Kennedy, Saw Gerrera's (played by Forest Whitaker) case does not signal animated characters to continue to hop on board the future "Star Wars" movies. Kennedy explained that they do not use such approach.

The producer emphasized that they do not just enlist existing characters and choose the one they want to explore to include in the new "Star Wars" movie. The goal is to begin with stories about a certain new character, then later try to include an existing character, if the latter appears to be a perfect fit to complete the new story, IGN reported.

In the presscon, director Gareth Edwards shared that he had a phone conversation with "Star Wars" creator George Lucas regarding the upcoming "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story." George Lucas confirmed he has seen the new movie and he also gave his approval to Edwards.

The director further teased, he can already "die happy now" after getting approval from the creator of "Star Wars." It seems that fans of the franchise will be more excited to the upcoming movie after hearing that the creator has already vouched for the director's finished work.

Furthermore, Mads Mikkelsen (playing the role of Galen Erso, father of Jyn) teased that "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" is more complicated and morally gray. Mikkelsen clarified that the new movie is not the usual morally white or black "Star Wars" movie, C/Net noted.

"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" will hit the theaters on Dec. 16. Stay tuned for more "Star Wars" spoilers and updates.

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