Why The World Suddenly Noticed Margaret Trudeau

Margaret Trudeau, the mother of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the ex-wife of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, is coming to the P.E.I. To share her experiences and her struggles about her mental illness and to help Colonel Gray High school in Charlottetown to raise funds for a wellness room.

Trudeau told the Island morning that the most important thing is to nip it in the bud. Adding that if there's an early diagnosis and there's an early treatment, they will never get on the roller coaster, she's been to.

The year 2006, Trudeau was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She shared her experiences with other people and had written about it saying that it is paramount to talk to the teenagers about mental health as cited on CBC.

Trudeau usually speaks to the people to change their minds, trying to help them get rid of the fear and stigma in accepting a diagnosis of mental illness. She became acutely aware that talking to the young people was different as they have open minds, something uncommon to some.

A quiet room, some exercise equipment, a space for yoga and meditation, and a different atmosphere for those students who might feel uncomfortable going to the gym for wellness will be featured by the wellness center. Those things that will be highlighted by the wellness center was called an 'extraordinary' idea by Trudeau according to WN.com.

She said that two things totally gets her through the day, she thinks it is exercise and meditation. Saying that it isn't a mental health room but a wellness room where their focus should be really on their mental wellness.

On Thursday, December 1, 2006, a charity dinner was held on the Island of a business owner, Danny Murphy's Gingerwood home in Stanhope. It is stated in the MMC-NEWS that the said event is changing its focus this year.

Tickets are available costing $500, featuring a dinner and reception, as well as the speech from the big mental health speaker, Margaret Trudeau. Also, it will have a charitable tax receipt from the Colonel Gray Foundation. Based from the MMC-NEWS, this year, the charitable tax will be offered to the Alzheimer's Disease charities.

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