Overdosage Of Water Can Be Deadly As Well

Water consumption is often being prioritized all throughout one's childhood. It was mentioned that a maximum of 8 glasses per day is preferred. Though drinking too much water may seem like a good think, it was mentioned that it can potentially do more harm than good.

U.K healthcare has warned about an issue and problem called the water intoxication. A woman having a urinary tract infection was suggested by a doctor to consume a lot of water so that it would clean and flush her system. She began drinking water every hour and not only was she suggested to consume water, but a number of painkiller tablets and antibiotics were also given to her.

According to The Inquisitr, the water intoxication made her gravelly ill. Water intoxication is a condition in which there is low salt content in the blood. She was taken to King's College hospital, where she was then diagnosed with the condition.

Instead of getting better, her health kept on declining. Even after she was taken to the hospital. Her sodium level content had decreased to such an extent, that the doctors were afraid she wouldn' t be able to survive. The fluid intake of the patient was reduced for 24 hours, and after this, her salt content became normal.

Nearly 30 percent of the people die through the water intoxication. This condition causes, nausea, vomiting, seizures and a number of other problems as well.

Water should be drunk in plenty, but only if you aren't experiencing conditions like vomiting. However, if your kidney functioning is normal, drinking excessive water should not be a concern for you. The amount of water consumed varies from person to person. Electrolytes help in the regulation and controlling the water levels of the body.

These electrolytes in our bodies are the salt content. However, when too much water is taken in, what actually happens is that the salt content becomes lower. Leading to intoxication.

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