Unborn Babies' Killers Felt Sorry For Their Sins Now Wanted To Form A Church

Aborted babies in Georgia were given names and memorial services by a group of women who had committed abortions as part of their repentance and healing process. Today the women and doctors who committed abortion and has repented of the act wanted to form a church in Georgia by the name, Holy Trinity.

In 2012, Georgia officially registered 40,000 aborted babies, and in 2014, the number went down to 33,000. National Statistic Service of Georgia "Geostat" reported that in 2015, the boys were born on 9 percent than girls - only in 2015, 59, 249 babies were born, the News Georgia has learned. Overall, the number of birth at Georgia in 2015 has decreased by 2.3 percent than the year 2014, and the death rate has increased by 0.7 percent, the report added.

Government officials were concerned about the impact of abortion on the population numbers of the nation. The Orthodox Church has been advising the whole country to shield and protect unborn children as well as outlaw abortions.

Deaths of unborn children through abortion often have overwhelming effects on women who conceive them and the people who help them do the horrible act, as well. Several studies have associated killing of unborn babies to increased anxiety, depression, post-traumatic depression and other psychological issues among women.

With this, international abortion healing providers and several Christian churches have provided healing programs to help obstetricians and women forgive and heal themselves for the deaths of their aborted babies. Today, in the country of Georgia, a group of women and obstetricians who have repented over their abortion acts have decided to go to several streets to share their sad stories publicly to encourage other people not to commit the same errors.

They also decided to establish a church in the name of the Holy Trinity as a mark of repentance. Pravoslavie.ru reported that the group met with His Holiness Patriarch-Catholicos Ilia II of Georgia to accept his blessing for their repentant undertaking.

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