Mindful Eating : Know The Befits Of Paying Attention To Your Food

Not everybody is aware of what mindful eating is, nor practice it in their daily lives. Mindful eating does not only aid in weight loss, but it makes the individual appreciate food and enjoy the flavors of the meal as well.

According to Huffington Post, mindful eating can be of great help for individuals that are undergoing eating disorders. It was then stated that after 20 years of studies, it was concluded that mindful eating can help and individual lose weight and reduce one's body mass index, reduce overeating and binge eating, helps the individual cope with chronic eating problems such as bulimia, anorexia, and even reduces anxious thoughts about food and body.

The website then defined mindful eating as "plugging back into your body's cues", which gives you awareness in when to start and stop eating. Being mindful can also help you manage your emotions better, which eventually stops you from stress eating. It's already been a known fact that most individuals would normally "eat their hearts out", wherein one would reach for food to soothe a stressful situation.

Psych Central then added that start out with the basic steps, as it is important to eat with your senses. Turn off technology, try putting away your cell phone while eating, or refrain from watching TV while eating. Take time to savor every bite.

Elephant Journal then gave out tips on how an individual can practice mindful eating:

  • Relax the body and mind with a few deep breaths before eating.
  • Send gratitude to everyone who prepared your food.
  • Admire your food, notice all the shapes and colors.
  • Breathe in all the wonderful aromas of the meal.
  • Chew thoroughly, delighting in the depths of the flavors.
  • Have you tried paying attention to your food? Do let me know your thoughts through the comment section below.

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