5 Parenting Mistakes To Avoid During Holiday Seasons, Take Out Hassle And Bustle During Holidays By Avoiding These Parenting Mistakes

As holiday seasons approach, several families face an increase in negativity and complaints that result ultimately in more irritabilities and tantrums in children. To head-off children's tantrums, tears and disappointments, Marcia Norton offers five parenting mistakes to avoid during holidays.

Everybody is supposed to be joyous and happy during holidays, but the loads of holiday seasons can swiftly sap enthusiasm and energy. Running around with cranky, tired kids and trying to make too many people happy are not any idea of parents about a "happy holiday." To have a merry, merry holiday, Marcia Norton, a registered nurse and has been working as an LPC for Centers in 2008, shared on OA Online five parenting errors during holidays that parents should avoid.

Always Saying Yes. Parents don't need to always give in to their children's "I have to have it" appeals, whether it is for the newest smartphone or see a famous holiday performance. Norton suggested parents who have older kids to have them prioritize their want lists and pick out the top three things that they think they "have to have." She also added that parents should only get what they want their kids to have.

Expecting Perfect Children During Holidays. Parents should accept that kids will be kids and never expect that they will behave well during holidays because holiday seasons should be joyous and fun. They may still cry and scream during holiday get-together dinner, decline to sit on the lap of Santa Claus and tease and joke each other. Norton said parents should be prepared for children's tantrums, scream and disappointments even on holidays.

Often Disturbing the Consistent Routines of Children. Holiday seasons interrupt daily routines of every family. Susan Newman, a social psychology professor at Rutgers University in News Brunswick, NJ, told WebMD that bedtimes of children should be maintained during holidays, even if some relatives plead to let them stay up because it's holiday. Norton also suggested parents to ensure their kids have snack time, nap time and go to sleep at night on regular schedule.

Traveling Traditions During Holidays. Often parents just want to celebrate holiday seasons at home for some reasons. If they have decided to celebrate at their own house, parents should not feel guilty of wanting to alter their traditions of going over distances to see and visit friends or relatives. Norton said rather than traveling this year, why not have friends or family come and see the family.

Taking So Many Invites. Norton said parents cramming too much in their already busy schedule can really add up to the stress they're facing as parent as well as to the stress of their kids. So she suggested setting a family meeting and deciding as one family which things and activities that the family would like to do and what holiday party invites to accept.

If parents try to avoid all those parenting errors, they can have a happy, happy holiday season. When the stress and hassle get overwhelming, Norton advised calling Centers to make appointment.

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