Tips Before Getting Children A New Pet; From Choosing A Pet Breed To The Paperwork

Perhaps one of the perfect holiday presents that you could give your children is a pet. It doesn't have to always be a dog because there are other kinds of animals that could be your child's pet and friend. What parents need to know are the right breed and the right kind that would work accordingly to their child's age.

In an article published by Life Hacker, before getting your kids some pets, it is a must that you teach them about responsibility. You can't be the sole person to take care of the animal all the time. One of the reasons to give a child a pet is for them to learn about being responsible.

A photo posted by Puppies (@puppies) on Dec 9, 2016 at 2:11pm PST

Now, the kind of pet that you want to give would have to depend on their age and their capability to take care of it. For toddlers who are under the age of three, experts are not recommending parents to give them pets just yet. But soon as they get past the toddler stage, guinea pigs are ideal because they are docile and they require less maintenance.

The best time to give your child a dog or a cat is when they turned 10 towards their teenage years. At this age, they would be able to help in feeding the animal, walking them when needed and even cleaning their place if they have a cage or a pet house.

As for the paperwork, it is a must that you know the right documents to carry when you own a pet. Having a pet insurance is a must but one doesn't need to spend so much on it as well. Before signing up for a policy for your pet, make sure that you read the fine print first and know the coverage of the benefit that the animal will get.

The right vaccines and boosters must also be prepared before giving your child a pet. Make sure that it is clear from having an anti-rabies shot. For kittens, they are required as soon as they reached three months old. The same thing goes for puppies. Finally, make it a point to adopt and not shop.

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