UK Mom Of Premature Triplets Dies After Taking Babies Home For Christmas

Rachel Park made headlines last year for giving birth to extremely premature triplet girls. But the world was recently taken by surprise when she unexpectedly died while her girls survived premature birth.

After six years of trying to get pregnant with her husband Steven Park, Rachel got pregnant with triplets. But just when she was so close to her happiness, death took Rachel away at the age of 39, just days after she welcomed her 9-month-old triplets at home in time for Christmas.

According to the reports, Rachel started having symptoms as soon as her pregnancy period began. Rachel was a Type 1 diabetic and during her pregnancy, she developed pre-eclampsia. The condition began to fail her liver and kidneys because her blood pressure got extremely high and out of control, Fox News reported.

When she was 24 weeks pregnant, Rachel's severe condition was the reason why she was rushed to a hospital in Newcastle, which was 100 miles from her home. Due to her serious bleeding, the doctors at Newcastle found a problem with Rachel's bloodflow.

Rachel's blood stopped flowing to her placenta like it should have. Due to this serious situation, the doctors were forced to deliver the babies prematurely. Originally due June 12, the triplets were only 26 weeks and 5 days along when an emergency C-section was performed.

They were born on March 11 and the combined weight of the triplets was 5 pounds. As soon as they were born, the babies were put on ventilators, after which they fought for their lives for a tough period of two months. Once they were out of danger, the media approached Rachel Park to know more of her story.

She told the news that all three of her children suffered serious problems and even almost died. The media also reported that Rachel idolized her little girls, telling them they were her entire world.

Meanwhile, to help Steven and the girls, a GoFund Me page has been set up for donations. BBC News also reported that dozens of tributes posted on social media. In other related reports, a mother of newborn triplet babies has also died in Kansas, just days before Rachel Park's death.

Tags Baby, Death

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