Top 9 Super Foods To Boost Your Kid’s Immunity

My children are the chirpy types, especially my son. There's hardly a quiet moment at home when they are awake and around. As a mother, there are times when I wish for a moment for myself, without my mini mes chattering away, but trust me, when that happens, I do not like it at all. I mean, what's home if it doesn't have kids running across the hall, making a mess and babbling away. I can't bear it, especially when they fall sick. It breaks my heart when I see my bubbly children sport a dull face and snuggle inside the blanket all day.

Of late, they have been falling sick way too often. Those nasty colds and complaints of tummy ache initially sounded like excuses for bunking school, but the look on their faces told me that they were not lying. Their frequents bouts of illnesses had me concerned. Was I not taking care of them properly? Was there something that I was doing wrong?

With so much to worry about, I began discussing this with people equipped to help me understand, and thankfully, having a dietician in the family did help me. I realise that this is a common problem in children, and many parents don't get to speak to a dietician.

That's the reason why I am going to share this with you. Your children aren't falling sick frequently because you are not taking care of them properly, but maybe because their immunity, the resistance to falling sick, is low. This would worry you no end, and understandably so, but here are a few superfoods you could include in your child's daily intake to boost his or her immunity:

1. Yogurt

With probiotics, yogurt is the most recommended food when it comes to boosting immunity. The Lactobacillus reuteri activates the white blood cells and even the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition recommends eating yogurt as one of the best ways to build a strong immunity. It's always best to treat your children to yogurt that has active cultures, so that it helps them build a stronger immune system.

2. Oats and Whole Grains

Even though your children might run away from these, the benefits of oats and other whole grain cereals like wheat, rye, barley and brown rice are a lot to brush off. These foods come loaded with folic acid and pantothenoic acid. They can help prevent your children from falling sick way too often as they are critical in building a strong immune system.

3. Seafood

If your children seem to be struggling with their immunity, a seafood treat would work wonders! These foods are loaded with zinc, that helps the white blood cells fight infection efficiently.

4. Green Leafy Veggies

This is a perfect solution for vegetarian families. If your children can't have fish/seafood, or do not like the taste, add a lot of green leafy vegetables to their food. These greenies come packed with antioxidants that play a vital role in building immunity in children. Apart from that, green leafy veggies also repair their DNA!

5. Walnuts

These are the easiest to include in your kids' diet. Sprinkle them over desserts, or simply add them to your regular food, and before you know it, your children will be munching on an immunity booster happily. Walnuts are rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids that not just build immunity, but also protect your child prom respiratory problems.

6. Eggs

If you want to feed your child an immunity booster for breakfast, eggs are your best bet. Research states that people with a Vitamin D deficiency are more likely to fall sick, which is why eggs, rich in Vitamin D, can come to your children's rescue. They also have B vitamins and selenium that are known to boost immunity.

7. Lean Meat

One reason why mean meat is excellent for your child's immunity is the fact that it's a great source of zinc, which is known to help the white blood cells fight off diseases. Apart from that, it also adds magnesium to your child's body, building a strong defense mechanism against illness.

8. Berries

What is a food that your children would love and that can also help enhance their resistance to illnesses? Yes, berries. Make smoothies, or add them to cakes, or as toppings. Berries can be served to your children in many fun ways, and as your children chomp away merrily, the antioxidants in them will help fight off the "bad boys" called free radicals.

9. Sweet Potatoes

Not just are they a healthy alternative to children's favorite potatoes, they are rich in in beta-carotene.Tthese sweet potatoes help increase the number of white blood cells. They also help the killer cells become more active. They also have Vitamin C, essential to build a strong immune system.

With these food ideas up your sleeve, you can watch your child grow without too many hiccups, and you can cut down on the sad illness episodes. A strong immune system will help you and your child enjoy those priceless moments, without the fear of falling sick.

Aradhana is a writer from India. Her areas of knowledge include parenting, children with special needs, health and lifestyle. She loves being outdoors and her hobbies include cycling and hiking. She has a special interest in children with special needs and parenting and shares her experiences through her other passion -- that is writing. She writes to share her knowledge so that it may help others. Her posts on these subjects have been published in more than 250+ various reputable sites.

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