Parents Deserve 'Me' Times; Making Self-Care Work Without Being Selfish

Parents keep routines and complete day-to-day responsibilities like they are running a tight ship. The tasks of managing a household and raising kids demand a lot but it can also result in a burnout, thus the needed "me" times.

Some parents, however, might feel guilty about taking a break from their parenting duties but experts sa the indulgence is actually healthy. Self-care helps people re-energize so they return to what they normally do with more enthusiasm and a better perspective. The same thing applies to parenting.

"Maintaining the basic day-to-day with no extraordinary circumstances, keeping all those balls in the air, is a really demanding endeavor," women's health expert Aimee Danielson told The Washington Post. "It leaves very little time for moms to be able to have fun, relax, rest and have downtime," she said.

What Danielson said has inspired mom Lindsey Roberts to take a day off from parenting duties once a month. She spent this time shopping, exploring new towns, going dancing and made a conscious effort not to do errands at all. As part of self-care, she also made sure to sleep well, eat right and exercise regularly.

Parents need to recognize that there's a big difference between having a "me" time and selfish indulgences. "Healthy self-care is the sweet spot in the middle, where you're nurturing your own wellness in a way that benefits both you and those around you," psychologist Linda Andrews said, according to Verily.

Parents can take cues from their body's physical and emotional signals. When their stress levels make them less effective at doing household tasks or when engaging with their kids or spouse causes friction, then it might be good to take time away from this.

Huffington Posts has 10 reasons why a break from being a parent is healthy and vital. One entry simplifies it all: "It makes you a better parent."

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