Kids Health: Protecting A Child’s Hearing From Very Loud Noises

Experts at the American Academy of Otolaryngology said problems related to children's ears, nose and throat are among the most common reasons for frequent visits to the doctors. Doctors said the loss of a child's hearing is devastating because it is not easily regained.

A person's ears should be protected from very loud noise as these are very sensitive organs and can only handle a certain level of loud sound such as music. Parents should take precautions if they want to prevent the loss of their child's hearing at a young age.

Parents can help prevent a child's hearing loss by instructing them to always turn the volume down, whether they are using speakers or headphones, according to Dayton Daily News. They can also tell their children to wear ear plugs when going to rock concerts.

Children can damage their hearing when they listen to loud music with the use of headphones, as per Up Run For Life. Headphones can be useful when playing video games or their music player. Children can, however, be allowed to use headphones provided they know how to control the volume.

The World Health Organization reported that more than 50 percent of older children are exposed to music levels that are already considered unsafe. But this could be prevented if parents teach their children about safe sound limits.

"This message needs to be conveyed to parents over and over again," Children's Hospital Boston diagnostic audiology director Dr. Brian Fligor said. "If a child attends only one loud sporting event, it isn't a big deal. But for those kids who will be going to football games throughout their lives, as Drew Brees's kids will, it's a very big deal. A young, tender ear may not be able to withstand damage."

Very young children who watch sports events like the Super Bowl should be required to use quality headphones to screen loud sound, according to New York Times. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health reported that exposure to 100 decibels of sound for over 15 minutes is considered unsafe.

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