North Carolina Officials Vote To Repeal Transgender Bathroom Bill Amid Growing Concerns On Economy, Discrimination

North Carolina lawmakers voted to repeal the controversial transgender bathroom bill described as discriminatory by LGBT activists. Governor Roy Cooper also signed the approved bill from the state Congress.

The transgender bathroom bill required transgender people to use public bathrooms that matched their gender written on their birth certificates and not the gender they identify with. Because of this, many businesses and artists from the entertainment business condemned the move, noting they are not okay with the discrimination.

The repeal came after North Carolina suffered from economic boycotts also due to tourists refusing to visit the state. The most compelling reason for the repeal, however, came earlier this week after officials from National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) threatened to withdraw from the state and relocate their high-profile contests in a different state, Washington Post shared.

After the vote to repeal the transgender bathroom bill surfaced, NCAA President Mark Emmert released a statement. He said they will still meet in order to discuss if the repeal is enough to convince them to push through with the sports events in North Carolina. They will announce their decision soon.

In the repeal, lawmakers agreed to impose a three-year ban on local governments making ordinances that discriminate. Also, they stated no local government in North Carolina may "enact or amend an ordinance regulating private employment practices or regulating public accommodations." They also did not allow government agencies and local school boards to regulate multiple occupancy bathrooms, changing facilities or showers.

Despite the repeal, Rena McDonald, a lawyer and member of Executive Pride, the LGBTQ workplace equality organization, likened the repeal to the wizard from the "Wizard of Oz." She noted the repeal looked and sounded impressive but in the long run it will not do anything, Independent reported.

Gay rights organizations and civil rights groups also believed the move is fake. They accused the lawmakers of betraying the people with the changes. They urged entertainers, businesses and sports league to continue with their boycott.

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