Student Slams Feminist Professor Who Deducted Essay Points For Use Of Non-Gender Neutral Word

A student majoring in English at the Northern Arizona University slammed her feminist professor for the way she graded her essay. Cailin Jeffers called out Dr. Anne Scott after she deducted a point from her paper. The professor apparently didn't like Jeffers' use of a non-gender neutral word.

The word the teacher opposed was "mankind," which had a gender neutral equivalent in "humanity" or "humankind," as per Campus Reform. The professor had "mankind" as a "don't use" in her "do's and don'ts" list for students' essays.

Jeffers said she thought the teacher was not serious about this list but she wanted to see if the policy stuck. So, she used "mankind" in her essay and got a point deduction after Scott checked her paper.

Jeffers then sought a meeting with her professor and Scott explained in detail the point deduction she gave the student. "I would be negligent, as a professor who is running a class about the human condition and the assumptions we make about being 'human,' if I did not also raise this issue of gendered language," Scott told her student.

When Jefferson pressed on and insisted "mankind" was not a sexist word, Scott told her otherwise and called the student out for being wrong. "She told me that 'mankind' does not refer to all people, only males," Jeffers related.

Jeffers also sat as a guest on the "Tucker Carlson Tonight" following the controversy. The student said she cannot understand the obsession of some feminists "over tiny, little micro-aggressions," as per Fox News.

Jeffers also said her professor couldn't show her concrete proof in any English standards that it was incorrect to use "mankind" in an essay. She felt punished for choosing the word and accused Scott of grading her paper for the teacher's political convictions and not academic merits. Watch Jeffers talk about her experience with her feminist teacher below.

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