Two-Year-Old Survives Being Run Over By Two Cars In China, Miraculously Sustains Only Minor Bruises

A youngster wandered off the street and got run over by two SUVs in China. Lucky for the kid, she survived and attained only minor bruises after she managed to dodge under the two cars.

The footage of a two-year-old kid in Xichiang, Sichuan province became viral after she ran across the street without a companion. In a CBC Radio Canada report, police officer Guo Wei said that the driver of the first car did not notice the child due to a blind spot.

Meanwhile, driver of the second car was not also able to see the kid because the distance was too short. The kid cheated death by curling her body into the ground until the cars passed.

Shortly after the two SUVs run over the two-year-old, the kid's grandmother rushed into the street to pick her up. Another individual also approached the pair to help.

Physicians from No. 2 People's Hospital of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture said that the kid miraculously attained no major injuries, however, the kid's father said she was a little bit horrified with the accident. The toddler was cleared from the hospital a day after.

Just weeks ago, another two-year-old and one-year-old also suffered the same fate after the kids ran across the street unsupervised in separate cities, one in Jinjian, Fujian province and another in Hubei province, Shanghaiist reported. One three-year-old, however, died in Yiwu.

China's road accidents are one of the world's worst. South China Morning Post reports that around 30 children die each day in China because of road accidents as estimated by World Health Organization.

"They're kids just doing what normal kids do: traveling in cars with their families, walking or playing in the streets, going to and from school," Bernhard Schwartländer said during the United Nation's Global Road Safety Week. Annually, 10,000 children die in the mainland due to road accidents.

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