Men Expected More Parenting Involvement; Women Entitled To Other Roles Aside Being 'Good Wife And Mother,' Study Finds

Gender roles are slowly changing as evidenced in a recent global study conducted across 22 countries. Most people now believe that men should be involved in parenting more than ever, and women should not be confined in domestication.

The recent study finds that men are now expected to take care of their family as much as women. Reuters reports that nearly 70 percent of the people believe that men had a "greater responsibility for the home and childcare."

Most respondents who agree that men should lend more hands in parenting are from India, Argentina, and Indonesia. Russians, meanwhile, believe the least.

Further, 60 percent of the respondents believe that there are other roles women can fulfill aside from being "good mothers and wives." Indonesians, Russians, and Indians are most likely to believe the idea that mothers should remain at home.

Women work more hours than men if work and household chores are combined. According to United Nation's The World's Women 2015 Statistics, women from developed countries work 30 minutes longer than men and those from developing countries worked 50 minutes more.

"The world remains divided over the role of women, but the majority do not think women should stay at home and have children," said Claire Emes, senior director of Ipsos MORI. Juggling work and life responsibilities is blamed as the culprit for women opting out from work opportunities.

Over 18,000 adults from different emerging and developed countries participated in the global study. In some developed countries, however, equal parenting role has long been tried to get established.

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Most governments in European countries are working to promote for family time for men. Some of the world's best, according to Factly, are Norway (maximum 36 weeks), Sweden (maximum 68 weeks), Denmark, Germany and United Kingdom (maximum 52 weeks).

The best of the paternal leave policies acknowledge the idea that children with involved fathers are more likely to become better citizens later on. According to a University of Florida study, children with involved fathers have lower rates of acquiring behavioral problems and committing violence and delinquency-related offenses against the law.

Do you think men should share the work in parenting and women should be given more chances to work outside? Let us know what you think by commenting below!

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