Six-year-old, Journei Brockman, went to daycare, wearing her Black Lives Matter shirt. A school employee did not like it.
Journei's parents enrolled her at Arkansas' His Kids Preschool for six months. The little girl wore a shirt that says, "All lives can't matter until Black Lives Matter."

Daycare staff had issues with the kid's shirt
The little girl's mom, Deval Brockman, told Fox16 that a staff member of the school called her. The person told her that she had issues with her child's shirt because she did not like it. Deval said that the school staff told her not to let her daughter wear that shirt to daycare again.
A week ago, Journei wore a shirt with an image of a raised fist to school. Deval said that when she returned to pick up her daughter, a staff member told her that her daughter could not come back to the daycare. She said that one of the staff members told her that she urges racism.
The staff's comment angered the child's mom. She could not believe that her daughter is not allowed to go back to the daycare just because of a T-shirt.
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The school director's advice to the mom
The director commented on something about the mom's teaching method. The director told her that she has no plans on teaching her how to raise her kid, but he said that Deval needs to reevaluate how she parents her daughter.
Deval has filed a complaint with the state. Patricia Brown, the school director, told Fox16 that parents should not address their political concerns in a childcare environment, regardless of race.
Deval answered back, saying that if she supports something, she is going to wear it. The same goes to her child, to let everyone know that they need to voice their concerns and be heard. She disagrees with the director's statement and decision about not to accept her daughter in school.
For her, it is not political; it is everyday life because it is found on the news. She added by saying that what is right is right, and what is wrong is wrong.
Deval said that she would continue to teach her daughter how important equality is. She is hoping that the school would also do the same. Finally, she said that Christian daycare should set a good example by abiding by the bible.
Black Lives Matter goal
Black Lives Matter started in 2013 when Trayvon Martin got acquitted. It has a foundation with a mission to eradicate white supremacy. It plans to build local power to intercede in violence done on Black communities by people. It wants to create a space for Black imagination and innovation by fighting acts of violence.
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