Can you get pregnant without having sex? [A woman and experts say YES]

Everyone who understood the process of reproduction knew that it takes penetrative sex to procreate.

Can a woman get pregnant without having sex?

A TikTok video, which was recently uploaded by Sammi Isabel, says, "Yes!" to the question, "Can get pregnant without having sex?"

The video now has more than 1.4 million views, and people are still hesitant if they should believe this claim.

The TikTok Video

In the video which was uploaded last July 14, Sammi Isabel said that she learned about the pregnancy on the night of her senior prom.

@sammiisabelx3 And that is how i have a 5 year old son. ##makeitstop ##pregnant ##fyp ##pregnancy ##story ##storytime ##mystory ##funny ##fml ♬ I am at ur moms house - elizabeth_chetwynd

The TikTok user said that she and her boyfriend were both shocked that her pregnancy tests turned positive. She shared that she never had sex with her boyfriend, but she did get pregnant. There is also no mention of in vitro fertilization (IVF) or any other procedure that may have led to the woman getting pregnant.

@sammiisabelx3 ##greenscreen ##prom ##fyp ##boyfriend ##bestfriend ##love ##loveyou ♬ Lullabies - Yuna

People's reaction to the TikTok video

A lot of those who watched the video do not believe Sammi Isabel. They think that the woman is joking around and that it is not possible.

Can you get pregnant without having sex? [A woman and experts say YES]
Can you get pregnant without having sex? [A woman and experts say YES] Screenshot from TikTok
Can you get pregnant without having sex? [A woman and experts say YES]
Can you get pregnant without having sex? [A woman and experts say YES] Screenshot from TikTok

Others are still dumbfounded about the girl's revelation.

Can you get pregnant without having sex? [A woman and experts say YES]
Can you get pregnant without having sex? [A woman and experts say YES] Screenshot from TikTok
Can you get pregnant without having sex? [A woman and experts say YES]
Can you get pregnant without having sex? [A woman and experts say YES] Screenshot from TikTok

However, some shared a story of how another person they know experienced the same thing.

Can you get pregnant without having sex? [A woman and experts say YES]
Can you get pregnant without having sex? [A woman and experts say YES] Screenshot from TikTok
Can you get pregnant without having sex? [A woman and experts say YES]
Can you get pregnant without having sex? [A woman and experts say YES] Screenshot from TikTok

Virgin pregnancies: What are they?

According to the website, virgin pregnancies are a thing. What is more surprising is that several women claim they got pregnant even without having sex.

In a survey conducted for a study in 2013, 45 out of 7,870 women claimed that they had virgin pregnancies.

Researchers say that this claim can be accounted for several factors. Some of these include chastity pledges or family issues.

Experts answer: Can you get pregnant without having sex?

Experts say that the answer to the question, "Can you get pregnant without having sex?" is YES!

Women can undergo procedures like intrauterine insemination or in vitro fertilization.

Also, virgin pregnancies can be a thing. According to health experts, "This can happen when sperm get into the vagina-by having semen or pre-ejaculate on the fingers and close contact with the vagina."

Experts add that sperm only needs to find its way up to the cervix and find a fertile egg.

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