California Dad Meets Dead Son's Cornea Recipient

A California dad met the recipient of his dead son's cornea last week. Clint Nabor's son was an 11-year-old who died last June. The recipient of his cornea was a teenage girl from Brazoria, Texas, Mackenzie Schnettler.

The California dad met Mackenzie in a virtual meeting last Thursday.

Donating dead son's organs

Last June, the California dad's son died while he was playing outside. Aidan, who was only eleven years old, got entangled with a rope swing. Aside from being a very talented piano player, he also had his interests in taekwondo and Boy Scouts.

According to the California dad, one of the most heart-breaking yet essential decisions that he had to make for his son was when he was asked if he would be willing to donate Aidan's organs.

For Nabor, the decision that he made is also the decision his son would make because he is a very giving child. Nabor even shared that before he died, he shared his saved-up allowance to his taekwondo instructor.

Also, the thought that there will still be a part of Aidan existing in this world made the California dad decide on donating his son's organs.

The 11-year-old boy's kidneys and skin cells were donated along with the dead son's cornea.

The recipient of the dead son's cornea

When Mackenzie was only fourteen years old, she contracted a water-borne bacterial infection. Her infection was associated with her contact lens solution. Also, the teenage girl was misdiagnosed with pink eye infection before the condition was detected. After four days, she completely lost her vision in her left eye.

Before she received the cornea transplant, her vision was at 20/400.

California Dad Meets Dead Son's Cornea Recipient
California Dad Meets Dead Son's Cornea Recipient Photo by Raphael Brasileiro from Pexels

Virtual meeting between California dad and the teenage girl

When the teenage girl received the cornea of the California dad's dead son, it was four days before her birthday.

When they met virtually last Thursday, through the help of CorneGen, Nabor was emotional as he talks to Mackenzie.

The teenage girl's mom, Tiffany Warlick, expressed her thanks to Nabor. She said, "Thank you so much for her gift of vision." She also shared that Mackenzie stayed positive during her struggles.

Mackenzie shared during the virtual meeting her appreciation of the cornea that she received, She said, "This past weekend, I was able to see my mom's facial features for the first time in 10 months!"

Before the virtual meeting, the teenage girl sent a letter to the California dad, Nabor. He said that when he read the letter, he felt that it was from the heart.

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