A contactless trick-or-treat system sounds like a good idea for a Cincinnati dad, considering the coronavirus pandemic.
Trick-or-treat has been part of every child's Halloween. However, things are expected to be a little different this year. Trick-or-treating does not sound like a safe idea due to the coronavirus pandemic. That is why a Cincinnati dad thought of a way to keep Halloween safe for kids.
He invented a contactless trick-or-treat system at their home.
Andrew Beattie shared his humble invention on his Facebook account. The photo quickly became viral, and parents are sold to the idea. After only five days, the dad's post has already been shared more than 70,000 times.
The contactless trick-or-treat
The Cincinnati dad considers himself as a horror buff. So for him, Halloween is like a year-round event. Considering that, he knew that despite the coronavirus pandemic, Halloween should not be canceled, and kids should still enjoy it.
The idea of the contactless trick-or-treat was by using an old Amazon delivery tube. The tube will serve as a chute where the treats will be dropped to the kids who will be waiting at the other end.
The chute was placed by the Cincinnati dad and her 6-year-old daughter at their front stairs railings.
In a report from Buzzfeed, the Cincinnati dad shared that it only took them 20 minutes to finish putting up the contactless trick-or-treat system and making the designs Halloween-ready.
The candy chute is six feet long and is attached to the handrail.
Keeping the Halloween safe
Aside from the social distancing that this candy chute will provide, Beattie ensured in his Facebook post that he will keep things safe for the kids this Halloween.
He said, "I, personally, will be wearing a mask and changing gloves frequently, and the candy will be from a factory-sealed bag that I'll open outside by the candy chute."
Also, there will be signs at the end of the candy chute that will indicate the instructions on how to safely receive the candy.
Other parents' reaction on the contactless trick-or-treat system
Parents have varying reactions to the touch-free system that Beattie created.
Since the coronavirus pandemic has affected several activities of children, some parents thought it was a brilliant idea for kids to still enjoy the Halloween safely.
One parent said, "I think kids will like it because it is different. I think it needs lights."
Other netizens wished they had front stairs so that they can do the same thing, "I just wish I had steps and a rail!!! I'm trying to figure out how to do something cool here though."
Another parent shared her contactless trick-or-treat system, "I'm going to leave a bowl with small ziplock bags filled with candy with a sign to please take 1 bag each."
However, some parents thought that the idea is no longer necessary.
One parent even said, "I don't think there will be Halloween. Because not everyone will be safe or take precautions. Parents can still make it fun at home and NEXT year can be extra special."