Black Mom and White Daughter Slam Nosy Strangers Through Sweet Video

A black mom and white daughter made a sweet video to keep the mouths of nosy strangers shut. In the clip, the mother-daughter duo answered questions frequently asked by people who see them out together.

People ask her if she is the nanny

Black mom, Jeena Wilder, always gets questioned whenever she is out in public with her six-year-old white daughter. She would often hear people asking if she is the nanny. Thankfully, no one has ever asked her if she kidnapped the white child.

The 31-year-old mom told TODAY Parents that questions have been following her around stores. She knew that people have been figuring out whether she is the real mom of the child she is with or if she took her from someone else's parents.

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People ask if she runs a daycare

The Texas mom would sometimes run errands around with all her four kids, with the other three of them being of mixed race. She shared that people would ask her if she runs a daycare. She would answer them truthfully saying that the four children are all hers.

Wilder would explain that she takes care of them all day every day. She would also say that she is their mother and that she worries about the kids all the time.

Her sweet video with her youngest white daughter had gone viral on TikTok. You will see that Wilder addresses what most assumptions of people about her relationship with her adopted daughter. She told the outlet that she does not want to share her children's names.

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Wilder and her first-grade daughter can be seen clearly in the clip. The duo is answering questions that are set to the hit song "Nope Yup" by Lil Skeet. The first question was asking if Wilder is the nanny, then both would answer, "Nope!"

The next question would ask if she is the child's mother, then both would answer, "Yup!" The third question asks if her husband has cheated on her, again the duo would answer, "Nope!" The fourth question would ask if the kid calls her mommy, the two again would answer, "Yup!"

The fifth question would ask if she is the biological mom of the child, then the two would answer, "Nope!" Then finally, the two would say, "Yup!" for the last question if the black mom loves her white daughter unconditionally.

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Adoption to add to their family

Wilder and her husband, Drue, have always wanted to add to their family through adoption. Social services called them four years ago and said that one of Drue's relatives needed a new home. The couple welcomed the two-year-old child with open arms.

Wilder shared that the child looked like she was in shock maybe because she was not introduced to a lot of people of color. Wilder said that they have talked about race at home a lot because they are an interracial couple.

They started talking about skin color and explained to the child that being in a family has nothing to do with skin color. Wilder told the outlet that the day the child called her "mommy" was the best day ever. She knew that her daughter felt the love she gives, and that is all she ever wanted.

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