How to Decrease Chances of Getting Coronavirus [Every Family's Checklist]

"How to decrease the chances of getting the coronavirus?"

Nowadays, this is one of the most common questions of every parent in the world.

Every mom or dad would like to know how to decrease the chances of getting a deadly virus.

The highly deadly virus has been changing several lives of people from all over the world.

Studies have proven that kids are not shielded from getting the coronavirus. That makes parents' worries go up as high as their eyeballs.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has constantly been telling the public to observe proper health rules.

Here are some of the ways on how to decrease the chances of getting the coronavirus. These steps may sound too simple. However, it can serve as a family checklist to lower the risk of getting the coronavirus.

Social distancing

Although social distancing may sound like an old story - as it has been reiterated by health experts several times, this step can be taken for granted by other people.

Social distancing should be seriously practiced by family members who spend time outside the house and should be in the family checklist. Strangers who accidentally sneezed or cough near you may infect other people.

Since the coronavirus is a respiratory illness, then the virus may travel in droplets from sneeze or cough that enter the eyes, mouth, or nose.

Constant disinfection

Studies have shown that the coronavirus may stay on surfaces for hours. That is why a step on how to decrease the chances of getting the coronavirus is constant disinfection.

Through disinfection, the virus will not have the chance to get transferred to any family member.

Items like the keys and doorknobs should be sanitized thoroughly.

Disinfection should be in the family checklist to avoid being exposed to higher risks of contracting the virus.

Keep the mask on

Part of knowing how to decrease the chances of getting coronavirus is religiously wearing face masks when in a public place.

The CDC says that it is the best way to block droplets of infection from infecting others.

For those who do not have access to N95 respirator masks, cloth face masks or paper masks can do the job.

Educate kids to wash their hands and avoid touching their face

It could be tough to keep the children from touching their faces or forming the habit of washing their hands. However, it should be something that parents focus on doing nowadays.

How to Decrease Chances of Getting Coronavirus [Every Family's Checklist]
How to Decrease Chances of Getting Coronavirus [Every Family's Checklist] Caleb Oquendo from Pexels

Knowing how to decrease the chances of getting the coronavirus includes preparing the children as well.

The best shot in keeping them away from getting the virus is to always remind them of these habits.

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