6-Year-Old Has an Adorable Way of Making Sure Kids Could Have a Say in Election 2020

A 6-year-old boy in North Carolina set up his homemade voting booth to ensure that even kids to vote on Election 2020 - symbolically at least.

Mac Mayer is a 6-year-old boy from Asheville, North Carolina, who watched his parents vote early in the election. The first-grader was so inspired by his mom and dad that he decided to give kids like him a taste of the election process.

Speaking to Good Morning America, his mother, Chelsea Mayer, said that Mac has been paying a lot of attention as she and her husband talked about the election and that they were doing early voting. Mac then asked them why kids can't vote just like his parent.

He wants to invent kid voting when he grows up

Mac, who is currently home-schooled, told his mom that when he grows up, he will invent kid voting. They then told him that if he is going to invent it when he is already a grown-up, then he won't be able to participate anymore as a kid. "Well, OK," he said, "Why don't I do it now?"

Why not, his parents thought. So, using an art table and cardboard, Chelsea helped her son create a custom kids' polling station with privacy voting booths and a ballot box. They had the polling booth set up at the end of their driveway off Braddock Way.

Being fully aware of the coronavirus pandemic as well, Mac made sure that every kid entering the polling booth is safe from the health threat by providing a box for clean and dirty pens and hand sanitizers.

To complete the setup, Chelsea and her husband ordered stickers saying "I Voted" for Mac to give to the "kid voters." They even sent absentee ballots to Mac's friends and cousins in different parts of the country.

The adorable 6-year-old then sat out waiting and welcoming kids who come in wanting to vote. Chelsea said that Mac has always been the type of kid that does not like grown-ups get to do things that little ones don't get to do.

Speaking to ABC 13, Mac said, "Because I thought of, that they never get to vote." He continued, "And I thought, why do grownups get to vote?" Mac, in fact, has plans to keep doing it almost every voting year.

Chelsea said she did have fun helping her child plan and create something meaningful for him and "see it come to fruition."

Other parents appreciated what they did and thanked them for creating something symbolical that helped them explain and start a dialogue with their kids about elections, the voting process, and the candidates.

"I'm glad he's getting something positive out of it," she told GMA. She explained that the whole election season has been hard, and the dialogue around was also hard. So, she thinks it is really nice to see Mac and other kids have fun with it and have it in a way he enjoys.

Curious to know who won in their kiddie version of the election? Watch below.

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