Experts Recommend New Rules for Children's Screen Time

If you are a parent and you want to have new rules for screen time for your children, here are some things that you need to think about and consider.

Because of the pandemic, where almost all parts of the globe shifted to online works and learning, there has been a massive concern about children's excessive screen time. Even in homes where they have rules and restrictions on screen time, the situation now made it impossible to continue.

That is why parents are now more concerned about their children's screen time and the things they do and see online.

Being their positive model

A lot of things have changed because of the pandemic. Right now, almost all things that we do face to face are now being done online. If you want to have new rules for your children's screen time because of this drastic change, you need to be their positive model in doing so.

Although children and teens spend an average of 9 hours a day of screen time, not to mention that they also spend their free time online, as parents, you also need to notice that you're doing it too.

Your children see you when you check your phone for texts, when you binge-watch your favorite show on Netflix, or when you're busy chatting with your friends online.

If you want to make new rules for your children's screen time, you also need to consider having rules for yourself and being their role model.

Know what they do online

One of the most challenging things about being a parent in this generation is that kids these days know more about technology and various apps than their parents. They are the masters of the newest games, apps, and many social media sites before parents can even hear of them.

The fact that there are parents who already resigned themselves to the idea that they can't keep up with technology is another reason why it is harder for them to monitor their children's activity online. However, if you want to have new rules for screen time, you should know what your children do online. That is for you to understand better their needs for online activities and better new screen time rules.

There are good things online too, not just evil

If you want to make new rules for screen time that will benefit your children, you need to accept that although there are bad things online, there are also good things that they can get from it.

There are many educational, social, and skill-building benefits to screen time, such as game-based lessons in which they can learn and enjoy at the same time. Studies show that playing an hour of such games can be suitable for your children.

That hour per day is the key for you to make better and new screen time rules. Setting limits for their screen time is about finding the balance between their screen time and other activities in their healthy play diet.

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