Military Dad Surprises Daughter in Florida While She Was in Her Internship

Military Dad Surprises Daughter While at Work in Florida
Military Dad Surprises Daughter While at Work in Florida Screenshot from Facebook

Military dad surprises daughter in Florida while she was in her internship.

The dad, Special Agent Dalrymple, was deployed to Afghanistan. The daughter, Katheryn, on the other hand, works in a local aquarium in Florida.

Over the years, military dads and moms have surprised their children once they return from deployment. Most of the time, children of military moms and dads are filled with joy and are rushing towards their parents when they see them.

This sweet reunion of the father and daughter from Florida is no different.

The father and daughter's sweet reunion was captured on video by the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, where the daughter works as an intern.

Military dad surprises daughter

According to the Facebook page of the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, the Florida dad was deployed since last March. It was during that time that Katheryn also took the internship in the aquarium. The place of her work was 500 miles away from home.

According to Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Katheryn did not know that her dad will come home this month. The daughter was expecting that the military dad will come home in March.

The reunion of the father and daughter

In the video that Clearwater Marine Aquarium uploaded on Facebook, you can see that as the military dad surprises his daughter, Katheryn was busy interacting with a dolphin.

Katheryn was clueless about what was about to happen. She did not even notice that her dad was sneaking behind her for the surprise.

That is why when she turned around and looked at the surprise behind her, she was out of words.

She immediately gave her dad a tight hug.

After the tight hugs shared by the father and daughter, they started wiping tears, and another lady joined them.

The netizens' reactions to the sweet reunion

The video, which was uploaded last February 17, already garnered thousands of views. It also received a lot of reactions from netizens.

One of the netizens shared how she observed the excellent relationship that the father and daughter had, "I have seen this intern flourish and work hard for the past few years. She has a very strong relationship with her father."

Other netizens loved the sweet reunion. Some of them also thanked the service of the military dad for the country, "That's so special! I am sure the family is thrilled to have him home. We thank him for his service."

Another netizen said, "So happy for you, Kat. What a wonderful surprise. Thank you to your family for your dad's service!"

In another comment, a netizen mentioned how the video also made her emotional, "Oh snap...yall made me Welcome Home sir and Thank You for your service."

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