Kristen Bell Shares Daughter, Delta, Gets Excited When She Sees Her Name on TV

Kristen Bell Shares Daughter, Delta, Gets Excited When She Sees Her Name on TV
Kristen Bell has a 6-year-old daughter named Delta. Emma McIntyre/Getty Images

Celebrity mom Kristen Bell isn't so thrilled about her daughter's name right now, but Delta doesn't mind it and even gets excited when she reads her name on the television.

Delta, who is six years old, is Bell's second child with her husband, Dax Shepard. The pair, who married in 2013, has an older daughter, Lincoln, who is eight years old.

In her weekly podcast, We Are Supported By..., co-host Monica Podman asked Bell how she feels about her daughter's name frequently coming up in the headlines because of the coronavirus. Delta is the term for the highly contagious variant to have emerged from the pandemic, triggering more infections across the globe.

The "Frozen" star admitted that it had been a "big, big bummer" for her as much as it was bad for the beer brand Corona. She said she was hoping Delta won't be as strong as the first variant, but then her daughter has a different reaction.

The mother said that Delta was always impressed to see and hear her name since it's also a popular airline company in the U.S. So, it's exciting for her daughter that more people are talking about Delta because of COVID-19. The child doesn't seem to acknowledge the negative connotation.

Why They Picked Delta

In 2015, Shepard told E! News that they settled for the name Delta as a joke. The actor shared that a friend of theirs suggested some masculine options like Navy Seal, Green Beret, and Delta Force because their first daughter has a strong, masculine name as well.

The couple loves how "Delta Bell Shepard" sounded, so they agreed on it. Delta was born via C-section after Bell went into labor for 33 hours. When Bell gave birth to Lincoln two years before, she endured 15 hours of labor.

Shepard said that the doctors decided on the C-section for Delta at the last minute. He was inside the room when they did the procedure. Before coming in, his mother warned him that he might not appreciate seeing the baby's birth this way. He still took a peek and joked that he saw his wife's liver and intestines as well.

The father praised his wife, who was "disassembled" at the operating table, for being a super healer because she didn't have any vices and took good care of her body.

'This is a Good Thing'

Meanwhile, Bell said it's probably good for Delta to have such a controversial name because it could "humble" her down slightly. The mother acknowledged that her daughter has the privilege and, as children of Hollywood celebrities, some things are easy for her kids.

"She gets away with everything because of that," Bell shared. "So maybe she does need this to follow her around forever."

The "Good Place" actress also opened up about COVID-19 to her daughters and said they have to help other people who are not as lucky as them when the pandemic struck. But like everyone dealing with the changes at home, Bell said that they struggled with online learning. They also had to make sure that their family's mental health was in check.

The actress and her husband go to therapy to fine-tune their marriage, which was helpful during the pandemic.

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