A single mom was told she was shallow for rejecting a handsome but toothless man for a second date. She admitted that she was initially attracted to him but got turned off when she finally met him in person for their first date.
According to Daily Mail, the single mother met the toothless man on a dating site. He ticked all the boxes in what she was looking for in a partner, but she was blindsided that he had several missing front teeth.
He didn't smile with an open mouth in his dating site photos. Thus, she was disappointed when they met. Now, she asked a group of women what they would do if they were in the same situation.
Toothless Smile, A Deal-Breaker?
While some of the women thought she was being shallow, the other commenters in the discussion on Mumsnet said that they were curious about the hygiene of the toothless man. They said poor dental care would be a deal-breaker for them as well, as it could imply that he's unwilling to take responsibility for the most basic things, such as taking care of one's health.
However, some of the women said that the missing teeth wouldn't bother them because they do not have perfect teeth as well. One woman indicated that she has a thing for imperfect teeth and might even find this a sexy flaw in a person. The rest said that she's free to date whoever she wants since she's a single person with her own baggage as well.
The single mom said that she tried to open up a conversation about why he's missing a tooth by talking about her experience with a tooth abscess during the pandemic, which she had to get fixed. Unfortunately, the toothless man didn't bite and refused to talk about his dental hygiene on the first date.
Single Mom Harassed on Dating Sites
Meanwhile, single mother Sarah Hennies has done viral videos on TikTok to share her negative experiences finding dates on online sites like Tinder. She said she had received a lot of cruel comments about her postpartum body or her alleged "victim mindset" as someone who came from a failed relationship.
Hennies said that the mom-shaming on Tinder used to affect her and send her into a depressive state because words do matter and could crush someone's feelings. She also said that there is a double standard for single mothers versus single fathers, and she noticed this the more she looked for dates on the app.
@charliesmom_gotitgoingon Just when you think that men couldn't get any crazier #OnlingDating #Tinder #Dating #FYP #DayingFail #SomeoneComeGetHim #psycho ♬ Obsessed - Mariah Carey
Per Your Tango, Hennies divorced her cheating husband before their daughter turned one, and she admitted that she wanted to get back on the dating scene right away to uplift her self-esteem. However, she has learned her lessons and instead refocused her energies on raising her daughter to be smart, loving, kind, and strong-willed.