'Avatar 2' News Update: Director James Cameron Not Pressured In Releasing The Film; Comics To Boost Series -- Everything We Know So Far [Rumors]

The hype about the sequel of the blockbuster film "Avatar" is growing intense. Fans who have been looking forward to see "Avatar 2" in the big screens are very eager to learn the details of the anticipated film. Well, for fans out there, here's what we know about the film so far.

Stephen Lang Returns

Well, this might sound absurd to some that Stephen Lang's character Col. Miles Quaritch will appear in the next three "Avatar" films after being killed in the first movie. Col. Quaritch was shot by Neytiri (Zoey Saldana) with an arrow twice on his chest and apparently, he survived.

"Steven was so memorable in the first film, we're privileged to have him back," Cameron told Deadline. "I'm not going to say exactly how we're bringing him back, but it's a science fiction story, after all. His character will evolve into really unexpected places across the arc of our new three-film saga. I really look forward to working with such a gifted actor, who's also become a good friend."

Lang will be the main antagonist in "Avatar 2" as well as in the succeeding films. His character is "Avatar's" Darth Vader.

James Sully Remains

Sam Worthington, the actor who played the film's protagonist James Sully, is set to reprise his role in "Avatar 2," Cinema Blend has learned. The last film ended with Sully going through a process that will turn him into a Na'vi. Thus, we will probably see him as a Na'vi local and won't be needing an avatar anymore to live with the natives in Pandora.

Pandoras's Ocean Ecosystem

In an earlier report from Parent Herald, it was revealed that "Avatar 2" will feature Pandora's Ocean Ecosystem. "We're doing 'Avatar' films now, so we're making up an ocean ecosystem for Pandora," director James Cameron said.

The ocean ecosystem will only be among the environment the anticipated film will present to their audience because the film will not completely take under the water. Cameron stressed that they will not be exploring the coral reefs, but he teases about the challenger deep. "It's all the scuba diving I did before I even started the deep ocean stuff that has more of a direct connection to Avatar 2 & 3."

Avatar Comic Series

Cameron recently announced that a new comic series set on the planet of Pandora is in the works. The writer/director teams up with Dark Horse Comics to expand the story of Avatar into the world of comics. He described the new series as something that will "shed more light on the mythology and history of the beloved film franchise," The Guardian has learned.

For sure the comic book series will give the anticipated film an early promotional boost.

"Avatar 2" will hit the big screens on Dec. 25, 2017.

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