Dangerous Medicines for Babies: 5 Medicines You Must Not Give to Your Baby

If you find your baby suffering from a cold or a fever, it is always best to consult your pediatrician before administering any herbal or over-the-counter medicines to your precious little one. There are certain medicines for babies that if wrongly administered could pose serious complications to your baby's fragile body. Below is a list of some dangerous medicines that you must not give to your baby.


According to BabyCenter, aspirin makes babies susceptible to contracting Reye's syndrome, which is a fatal illness. Medicines for babies that are being sold at drug stores are not automatically aspirin-free. Better check with your pediatrician before giving this to your little one.

Cough and Cold Medicines

While there are many over-the-counter cough and cold medicines that are advertised as safe for your baby, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has strongly advised against giving babies these medicines without the doctor's advice. Some serious side effects include convulsion, rash, rapid heart rate, and worst, death.

Anti-nausea medicines

When you're traveling and your baby starts vomiting, resist the urge to give him nausea medications. This is one of the medicines for babies that you must not administer without doctor's prescription. Don't worry, there's a high probability that the bouts of vomiting will soon be over.

Medicines for Adults

In cases where you can't find medicine for babies, don't think of reducing the dose of an adult medicine as substitute. This can be real dangerous. Check labels carefully, or better yet, give your pediatrician a call.


Mamiverse notes that honey should not be given to babies. While it may easily go down and swallowed by your baby, honey can cause infantile botulism. And this is something that you would not like your baby to suffer from.

Always be careful when administering medicines to babies. Take note of the dangerous medicines listed above and be sure to ask your doctor's advice in terms of giving medicines to babies.

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