6 Ways On How To Deal With A Strong-Willed Child

While a strong personality early on can signal future success, it can be constantly frustrating battling control over a strong-willed child. Parents can deal more easily with a toddler's stubbornness by preventing fights from occurring.

1. Give them choices

Since strong-willed children do not like being told what to do, offer them choices, according to Modern Mom. It would help the toddler to say 'yes' more often by giving the toddler two choices, such as the pink or blue dress, or maybe walk or be carried.

2. Wait out the tantrums

Toddlers with strong personalities are more prone to throwing tantrums than other types of toddlers. Giving in or trying to interrupt the tantrum will just signal that throwing tantrums will mean getting their way.

The only way for toddlers to listen is during calm conversations and a gentle tone of voice. This will also help the toddler regain emotional control by having some say in the conversation.

3. Give routines and rules

Just as setting clear routines and rules are important, so is enforcing them. Unconsciously, strong-willed children try to test authority by noticing when parents are not consistent. Make sure to enforce a few major rules that a child cannot break without having consequences.

4. Discipline through the relationship

Kids behave in ways to please adults. The more fights and punishments, the more adults undermine a toddler's desire to please. If she is upset or wants something, help them express feelings of hurt, fear or disappointment, instead of punishing right away.

5. Let them learn and experience on their own

Unless you are worried about serious injury, it will be more effective letting toddlers learn from experience instead of trying to control them. Kids who feel more independent will have less need to be oppositional, according to Aha Parenting. Once they can test the limits repeatedly, they will learn on their own.

6. Listen to what they have to say

While most adults presumably think they know best, strong-willed children have a viewpoint they hold with value with and try to protect. Adults will only come to understand what makes toddlers oppose rules is by listening calmly to them and reflecting on their words.

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