How To Deal With Children Who Are Picky Eaters In 4 Creative Ways

Some parents worry when their children would just eat hotdogs or nuggets or just play instead of eating. Yes! Your child is a picky eater.

"Picky eating is a normal rite of passage," said Jill Castle, R.D., a pediatric nutrition expert in Nashville. "All toddlers at some point demonstrate the same level of pickiness." It is actually a fleeting stage. On the other hand, it can be inhibited.

Fox News and Parenting share some tips on how to get your children eat well:

1. Offer the same food

Dina Rose, Ph.D., a sociologist, parent educator and feeding expert in New Jersey said that you must offer the same food that your children already ate yet don't repeat the same food in a day or for two days consecutively. She called this the "rotation rule." "If you do that even with the foods kids are accustomed to eating, it still changes their mindset and it lays the foundation for actually introducing new foods," Rose said.

2. Let them taste and smell the food

Children need exposure to a new food before he will take a bite on it. Let him familiarize himself with the food by talking about the food's shape, color, taste and its aroma. It is also important that you serve the new food along with your child's favorite food.

3. Make mealtime fun

Make your mealtime and preparation of food fun. "Rolling out a meal in three phases keeps my kids engaged," Holly Tedesco, a mother with two toddlers in New York said. She offers olive, a piece of cheese on a plate and a glass of milk to her children. And serve them with a handful of sliced grapes too. The fruits and vegetables must be interesting to look at. You can also give the food appealing names such as "X-ray vision carrots" or cauliflowers as "snow puffs." Kids would then be excited to eat them.
4. Talk about how yummy the food is

Don't be a health expert while your children are eating, explaining everything how a broccoli or carrots are healthy. According to a study, the children would more likely not to eat them. It is advisable then that you talk how delicious and mouth-watering the food are.

Your goal is to make your children grow healthy by eating the right food. The picky eating of your children would end in time by preparing the variety of healthy food. Let your children make choices too as long as these food are healthy for them. Be creative!


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