There can never be complete harmony among siblings. Different forms and levels of sibling rivalry always exist in all families with two or more children.
Baby Centre and Empowering Parents shared some tips for parents who want to prevent or reduce the level of sibling rivalry among their children. Although sibling rivalry will never completely go away, keeping it in a very low and safe level is necessary to have a happy and peaceful family.
Sibling rivalry tip # 1: Make them care of each other.
The parents are not the only ones responsible in the family for taking care of the children. The children are also responsible for taking care and nurturing each other.
You can let the siblings read bedtime stories to one another or comfort each other when something bad or sad happens. Praise your kids' behavior that manifests care and love for one another. Sibling rivalry will be significantly reduced when the siblings know that they have each other's backs.
Sibling rivalry tip # 2: Never compare the siblings with each other.
Many parents compare their child to his or her sibling with the purpose of motivating or triggering the kid's sense of competition and ego. However, doing so can backfire and actually worsen sibling rivalry.
One way parents compare siblings with each other is when they label one kid as good or right and the other kid as bad or wrong. "Don't decide who's right or wrong," Baby Centre advises. "Instead, help your kids develop skills to compromise, to be fair, and to take turns."
A photo posted by HowDoesShe - Blog (@howdoesshe) on Mar 6, 2016 at 7:30am PST
Sibling rivalry tip # 3: Treat each kid as a unique individual.
One way to avoid competition and sibling rivalry is to appreciate each child's unique traits. Do not let one child's set of skills and accomplishments be the standard of success for all of the siblings. Help your kids appreciate and understand diversity in skills, talents, personality and opinion.
Sibling rivalry tip # 4: Never show favoritism.
Your kids can tell if you have a favorite among them. So stop spending more time on one child or giving him or her more gifts than the other kids. Being fair and equally loving to all of your children will go a long way in preventing or reducing sibling rivalry.