Parenting mistakes usually happen when trying to discipline kids. It is normal to make parenting mistakes but the important thing is to learn from them and TO do better next time. shared some of the most common parenting mistakes that happen when trying to discipline children as well as how to fix these errors. Hopefully, these tips can help bring peace and harmony in your family.
Discipline Mistake # 1: Telling lies to kids.
Parents make up lies in order to scare their kids from doing something bad. However, if kids discover that your story was just a lie, they will not believe your stories anymore in the future.
Instead of lying, just tell a true story that would teach the lesson you want your kids to learn. These true stories might not be as exciting and thrilling as your fake stories, but they can be even more effective.
Discipline Mistake # 2: Backing down from punishments and consequences.
Many parents give their kids some rules as well as the consequences for breaking those rules. But when their kids actually break a rule, some parents back down and become too scared to implement the proper discipline.
The best thing to do is to be consistent in dishing out the agreed upon consequences for breaking a rule. This will help eliminate poor behavior and instill proper discipline in kids.
A photo posted by The Unmumsy Mum® (@theunmumsymum) on Jan 24, 2016 at 8:52am PST
Discipline Mistake # 3: No unity between mom and dad.
Disunity between mom and dad is one of the parenting mistakes that almost every couple makes once in a while. Mom and dad have to be always united in what is wrong and what is right.
They also need to be united on what is proper discipline for breaking rules. Kids will just get confused if they see mom going one way and daddy going the other way.
Discipline Mistake # 4: Offering too many bribes.
Bribing too often is one of the most common parenting mistakes. "In the end, the kid is controlling the parent by choosing whether to behave or not," About Parenting explains. "As these kids get older, they may actually begin to demand rewards and with bigger price tags."