Some marriages are good and some are bad. Good marriages usually last a lifetime while bad marriages usually end up in divorce or separation.
iMom shared some of the signs of a bad marriage. Learning how to recognize if you have a bad marriage can make a big difference in saving your relationship from complete destruction.
1. Rudeness
If you are rude to your partner, or your partner is rude to you, or you are rude to each other, then it means you have a bad marriage. A good marriage involves a husband and a wife who treat each other like they are the most important people in the world. Being rude is a way to hurt your spouse's feelings by making him or her feel undeserving of your respect.
2. Disunity
Disunity in goals, lifestyle, dreams, vision, beliefs and values can lead to a bad marriage if you fight and argue about these things in a harmful way. Learning to compromise, listen and understand each other's views are necessary for a good marriage. Although it is impossible to be united in all aspects of life, you should at least be united in how to treat each other and your marriage.
A photo posted by TuCiudadM (@tuciudadm) on Nov 3, 2015 at 7:39am PST
3. Distrust
"What starts as a small ember of doubt can mushroom into a full-on blaze of distrust if we don't take steps to address it early," Leading with Trust shared. "Trust must be continually developed and nurtured throughout the course of a relationship, not just when it's been damaged."
4. You do not enjoy being together.
A husband and wife who love being together must be in a good marriage. A husband and wife who do not must be in a bad marriage.
This problem can be solved by choosing to enjoy your time together instead of waiting for your feelings to come naturally. Love ---especially the love of a married couple --- is more about consciously choosing to put in the hard work and commitment rather than being overwhelmed by a sea of romantic emotions brought upon by the surge of hormones in your body.
5. You argue more than you discuss.
Both good and bad marriages experience differences and other relationship issues. A sign of a bad marriage is when a husband and wife decide to fight instead of discuss their issues. If an issue arises in your marriage, make an agreement with your spouse to have a discussion about it without shouting, name calling or any other violent reaction.