If you are worried about going to college because money is an issue, then you have to consider working for some fast food chain. Others usually resort to getting a student loan, but not everybody thinks it is wise to do that. Not only could the interest rate get high, but you are probably going to still pay for it by the time you file for retirement. To spare yourself from going broke and being in debt all your life, applying for a job in the food industry won't be such a bad idea at all.
Being employed for a minimum wage salary is not a bad decision to save up for college. It is better than having to pay immediately using student loans because it is going to be a long burden to carry until you have fully paid the money you borrowed. You could take a year off to save up while working at a fast food chain or a coffee shop.
Finals week @asuonline Starbucks College Achievement Plan scholars, we believe in you #tobeincollege pic.twitter.com/lGstbSVdPb
— Adrienne gemperle (@Agemperle1) February 23, 2016
If you are looking for the best companies to apply for while you make that dough for your future, here are our top three fast food chains that will help you with that employment. Because not only will you be earning for your tuition, they even have a program for students who are eager to go to college.
1. Pizza Hut: In an article published by US News, the restaurant has this Life Unboxed EDU tuition reimbursement program for their employees who are paid per hour. One could get about 45% of tuition fee for any undergraduate course offered at Excelsior College and 15% off from any of their graduate courses at any of their New York affiliates.
2. Starbucks: This company don't just serve coffee, but even education to their employees. Their website has all the details on how one could avail their scholarship and college program and it is called the Starbucks College Achievement Plan.
3. McDonald's: They have this program called Archways to Opportunity that helps their employees go to college whether in campus or online.
You now have no reason not to pursue your dream of graduating from college when these companies are opening their doors for you. Inquire directly in their stores if you want to apply.