Co-parenting doesn't need to be chaotic and complicated. But unfortunately, some former couples have a hard time dealing with it and in result; their kids often suffer from the whole situation. A lot of ex-couples would like to follow the steps of Coldplay's Chris Martin and his ex-wife Gwyneth Paltrow. Some would think it is impossible, but here we are telling you it is doable.
Most people can't grasp the idea of co-parenting peacefully. But we do because we LOVE our child and want the best for him.
— randomNERD (@iseeyouugly) March 9, 2016
If you are tired of having to put up with drama every single time you deal with co-parenting with your ex, then here are your solutions:
1. Never Micromanage: Allow your ex-partner to apply their own parenting style for your kids. You can't expect them to do the same parenting methods that you do. In an article published by The Huffington Post, they advised that ex-couples set their former partners free when it comes to this subject. This will eliminate tension and even pressure for both parties and it would make the whole situation easier for everyone involved.
2. Don't Treat It As A Competition: Some ex-couples would do co-parenting to compete with each other, as to who gets the love and affection of their kids. Cut that drama and just focus on the welfare of your children. Keep in mind that this is not about you two anymore, but it is always for the best of your kids.
3. Always Let Go: One of the wisest tips ex-couples could learn from Gwyneth Paltrow is her art of letting go, constantly. That last word was crucial because it would help you be reminded that you can't focus on what could've been or what it used to be anymore between you two. It will only dwindle your focus in taking care of your children.
These three things are not that hard if two people are committed and dedicated to only give the best for their kids. Share this with your friends or anyone who you think needs some tips in co-parenting.