Most parents have difficulty stopping the sibling conflict that leads to violence at times. A child would hit his youngest brother over who gets the video remote. It ends up one is the loser. With this scenario, parents must intervene to protect the safety of the one who is victimized.
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy states that one of the causes of sibling conflict is fighting over toys, money, space and other things the aggressor wants. It becomes more destructive when they fight over parental love.
The child who is hurt by his sibling would then experience signs of anxiety, school behavioral problems, depression, and fear of the dark or having thoughts of self-harm. Meanwhile, the aggressor may have long-term effects such as being violent toward spouses or with dating partners.
Group on Facebook: WORLD SIBLING ABUSE SURVIVORS. #Domestic violence #anxiety
— Nancy Kilgore, M.S. (@Hope4Siblings) March 15, 2016
It is advisable then for parents to intervene in the early stages of this abuse. Parents suggests the following steps on how to stop the sibling hitting in your family:
1. Set a rule for "no hitting" policy.
Implement the "no hitting" policy to your children. Tell them you do not tolerate this abuse in the family. If someone hits a member of the family he must be penalized such as no television or gadgets for one week, no allowance for two weeks or doing extra chores. Be firm with your rule and penalty. Instill to them that there will be no reward for being mean and hitting one's sibling.
2. Avoid situations that will lead to hitting.
Parents must supervise their children thoroughly. If the siblings fight over who will use the TV or computer you must set a schedule in advance.
3. Make the sibling relationship harmonious.
Praise your child or a big brother when he does something nice to his younger siblings. With this, he will take pride that he is a good big brother. He would then hesitate to do something bad to his younger siblings.
4. Avoid giving too much power or responsibility to big brother or sister.
Do not give too much power to your child over younger siblings such as handling them when you are not around. You must still supervise them from time to time. Make a call and ask how they are doing. In this way, the big sister will think who is still in authority over her younger siblings.
5. Be a role model.
If both parents are harmonious and peaceful with one another the children then would follow. You must act with respect and kindness with all the members of your family. Your children would do the same.