Most parents face the toughest challenge in parenting. That is, disciplining a teen in his middle years. A teen may have a tendency to misbehave because of some factors and influences. These bad behaviors include rebelling, arguing, lying and sulking.
In disciplining your teen properly, you gain control over your teen leading them on the right path. WebMD and Aha Parenting share some effective ways to discipline your teen.
Amazing take on how to handle teenage discipline!!!
(wish i still had a teen i could pull this on…)
cc:...— Emil Swift (@emilswift50) October 15, 2014
1. Be concise, consistent and clear on your rules.
Consistency is the key in disciplining the toddlers. This continues in their adolescent life. You must always be clear in establishing your rules. Be firm on the consequences if your teen breaks the rules. If in case, you set a curfew and your teen break the rule. You must make him grounded and let him stay at home for the next weekend.
2. Create a list of rules through writing.
To avoid any misunderstandings, it is advisable that you create your list of rules through writing. You post it on the fridge or any place that your teen could see them. If your teen breaks one of your rules you may point it directly to your posted list.
3. Be respectful.
Respect is one of the keys to making your teen gives up his bad behavior. If your teen sees you are respecting him, he will respect you too. When you are disciplining your teen, avoid words that may hurt him personally. Focus on what he did. Avoid yelling at your teen. It is good that you have to enhance a good relationship with your teen while disciplining him.
4. Foster to your teen how to make decisions.
Spend time talking to your teen about teen pregnancy, drug abuse, drunk driving and smoking. Tell your teen about their long-term consequences if he commits any of these risky behaviors. Let your teen know that whatever choices he makes whether good or bad, there will be consequences.
5. Be involved and know your teen.
Don't just be a parent that would just provide the needs and allowance of your teen and then go to work every day. Stay involve with your teen. Talk to him every day and know what he's up to and how his day is. Know who his friends are and where they hang out. Be an interested parent.