Mental Health Tips: How To Lower The Risk of Schizophrenia In Children

Schizophrenia is an uncommon mental disorder that affects how a person behaves, feels and thinks. A person who is diagnosed with schizophrenia may have lost touch with reality for a time. Some experts say that schizophrenia is a mysterious disease.

In fact, the causes of schizophrenia are tremendously variable. Some people with schizophrenia after having one symptom or episode return to normal again or nearly normal. However, some people could have a more severe case, which could be aggravated especially if not treated.

Genes Aren't Really the Cause

WebMD states that even though schizophrenia runs in the genes in the family, it would not really be inherited by some members of the family. The risk of getting the disease is lower.

According to a study, about 85% of individuals with a family history of the said mental health condition don't develop it themselves. There are some people who have schizophrenia have no signs of a family history of the disease.

Some of its other causes besides genetic are pregnancy complications, childhood traumatic experiences such as sexual abuse, psychological abuse and brain injury. The early use of illicit drugs may also contribute to developing schizophrenia. Dysfunctional relationships with family members may cause the said condition too.

Dana reports that physical environment may be one factor of having schizophrenia. In a study, a poor person would more likely get the disease five times than the prosperous one. On the other hand, it is also reported that there is a high prevalence of schizophrenia in some wealthy countries such as northern Sweden, Papua, New Guinea and Ireland's County Monaghan.

Things to Do if Schizophrenia Runs in the Family

If in case there are schizophrenics in your family, how could you lower the risk of this mental condition in your children? The following ways must be observed to protect your children from such debilitating symptoms of schizophrenia:

1. Love and support your children.

Give love and support to your children. Avoid abuses such as physical, verbal and emotional. These may trigger the said condition.

2. Build friendship for your children.

Teach your children to socialize and develop friendship with other people. This can build their self-esteem and they would not feel lonely. Do not let them be isolated, especially in the teen years.

3. Keep your children busy.

Develop the skills and talent of your children. Make them busy. This can enhance their cognitive and emotional skills.

4. Teach them how to manage stress.

Set up strategies on how to manage stress and teach them to your children. They must learn how to handle stress.

5. Nurture their bodies.

Let your children eat the right foods that are rich in nutrients. They must have plenty of exercise. Protect their heads from any injuries too.

6. Let them eat food rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

According to research, omega-3 fatty acids or fish oil may decrease the risk of psychotic disorder. Fish like salmon, tuna, herrings and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

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