Many people enter marriage with the intention of having a lifetime relationship. Unfortunately, many marriages end up in divorce. But do age, educational attainment and employment status play a factor in a married couple's divorce?
Flowing Data made an analysis of divorce rates based on different factors and groups. Some of their findings are very surprising indeed.
The reason "Forever" isn't Forever anymore is because we choose divorce as the First option instead of the LAST resort. Love is Hard Work
— Sterling Brim (@SteeloBrim) April 5, 2016
The analysis shows that for people aged 60 and above who got married at some point in their lives, 32 percent of women were either divorced or remarried compared to 26 percent of men. When it comes to educational attainment, people who have higher educational attainments are less likely to divorce.
For people 60 and above who have a high school education and got married at some point in their loives, 25 percent of men were either divorced or remarried compared to 22 percent of women. "At bachelor education level, we see a reversal-20 percent of females are divorced or remarried, vs. 17 percent of men," Co Exist reports. For those who attained advanced education, 19 percent of women experienced divorce compared to 13 percent of men.
Drew Barrymore opens up about how she's dealing with her divorce:
— Glamour (@glamourmag) April 6, 2016
For the divorce rates based on a person's employment status, unemployed people are more likely to divorce compared to employed couples. The reasons why unemployment can lead to divorce include feelings of dissatisfaction due to lack of income; uncertainty of financial stability which heightens negative emotions between a couple; and increase in arguments and fights due to failure to meet societal and marital expectations, Huffington Post shares.