Pope Francis released a document that addressed his stance on divorce, abortion, sex education and gay marriage. In "Amoris Laetitia" ("The Joy of Love"), he made it clear that homosexual unions bear no validity in the eyes of God and the Church. Thus, it cannot be equated with heterosexual marriage. However, a Catholic gay group supporter believes that despite this, the pontiff is more accepting of same-sex parenting.
Terry Weldon, who runs the blog Queering The Church, believes that Pope Francis' "Amoris Laetitia" did not denounce gay parents in the 256-page document. While Weldon recognizes that the pope did reiterate his stand on gay marriage, it could be wrong to assume that this same stand also extends to same-sex parenting.
Amoris Laetitia, Gay Marriage and 'Certain Stability'
Weldon boosted his argument by citing another passage from the pope's message. "We need to acknowledge the great variety of family situations that can offer a certain stability," wrote Pope Francis in the document. Weldon told Gay Star News that "certain stability" could also pertain to same-sex parenting and even gay adoption.
Parents are responsible for shaping the will of their children, fostering good habits and a natural inclination to goodness. (264)
— Amoris Laetitia (@AmorisLaetitia) April 13, 2016
Weldon's points seem in line with a new study that suggested how stable, same-sex parenting contributes to a child's positive well-being and development, as Parent Herald previously reported. It revealed that children raised in this type of family are well-adjusted achievers just like children raised by stable, different-sex parents.
More Tolerant Of Gays, Without Changing Doctrines
Weldon further stated that "Amoris Laetitia" professes more tolerance for the gay and LGBT communities, especially from its critics. "To them he now says: "Who are you to judge?"' Weldon added.
We are called to show mercy because mercy was first shown to us. #AmorisLaetitia (310) — Amoris Laetitia (@AmorisLaetitia) April 17, 2016
The Guardian cites that Pope Francis' stance on gays and lesbians changes the tone of the Church without making any monumental changes to its doctrines. By acknowledging the realities of modern life and reminding how the Church must lead in showing mercy and understanding in these situations, the pope is putting emphasis on pastoral care.
Every person, regardless of sexual orientation, ought to be respected in his or her dignity and treated with consideration. (250) — Amoris Laetitia (@AmorisLaetitia) April 13, 2016
Disappointed With Pope's Views
However, some same-sex advocates don't see the issue the way Weldon does. They have expressed disappointed over the pope's stance, especially when he disregarded gay marriage. "We had hoped for much more," said Dignity USA's Marianne Duddy-Burke, per VOA News.
Do you agree with Weldon's interpretation of Pope Francis' "Amoris Laetitia" on gay parenting? Let us know in the comments!